

121)Vitamins and water will be included under
Macronutrients or proximate principles of food Micronutrients or protective pronciple of food
Micronutrients or proximate principles of food Macronutrients or protective pronciple of food
Answer :

122)Coelenterates digestion is
Intercellular Intracllular
Both (a) and (b) None of these
Answer :

123)The part of alimentary canal of cockroach is not lined with cuticle
Mesenteron Hepatic caeca
Stomodaeum Both (a) and (b)
Answer :

124)Which one of the following is the number of chitinous teeth in the gizzard part of the cockroach?
4 6
8 10
Answer :

125)Each salivary gland of cockroach consists of
Paired receptacle and paired glandular part Single receptacle and single glandular part
Paired receptacle and single glandular part Single receptacle and paired glandular part
Answer :

126)In which portion of digestive system of cockroach, formation of peritrophic membrane occurs?
Crop Stomodaeum
Proctodaeum Mesenteron
Answer :

127)The link between the tongue and the buccal floor is
Lingual frenulum Labial Frenulum
Sulcul terminalis Lingual papilla
Answer :

128)Thecodont teeth are present in
Sphenodon Sphenodon, crocodile and mammal
Crocodile and mammal Sphenodon, crocodile, mammal and scoliodon
Answer :

129)Monophyodont teeth occur in
Frog Rat
Humans Whale
Answer :

130)Types of teeth in human are
Heterodont, Selenodont, Monophyodont Bunodont, Thecodont, Heterodont
Diphodont, Heterodont, Acrodont Homodont, Lophodont, Diphyodont
Answer :

131)The dental formula for the monophyodont teeth of human is
Answer :

132)Lower morals in human dentition have
Three roots Single root
Two roots Four roots
Answer :

133)Enamel part of tooth is secreted by
Ameloblant, mesodermal Odontoblast, mesodermal
Ameloblast, ectodermal Odontoblast, ectodermal
Answer :

134)Regurgitation of food from stomach is prevented by
Muscularis mucosae Circular muscle
Cardiac sphincter Pyloric sphincter
Answer :

135)The true stomach of ruminants?
Abomasum Recticulum
Omasum Rumen
Answer :

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