

121)The National Income of a nation is the -
sum total of factor incomes government's annual revenue
surplus of public sector under-takings exports minus imports
Answer :

122)The difference between the GNP and NNP is equal to the -
consumer expenditure on durable goods indirect tax revenue
direct tax revenue capital depreciation
Answer :

123)Which of the following is not a method of estimating national income?
export-import method product method
expenditure method income method
Answer :

124)The national income in India is estimated by -
Indian Statistical Institute Indian Standard Institute
Central Statistical Organization National Council of Applied Economic Research.
Answer :

125)Which of the following features of Indian economy cause problems in the measurement of national income?
i) illiteracy
ii) rapid growth of public sector
iii) non-monetised consumption in the villages
iv) people holding multiple jobs
(i) and (ii) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(i), (ii) and (iii) (i), (iii) and (iv)
Answer :

126)Which of the following is not a problem in the estimation of Indian's national income?
non-monetised consumption rapid industrialization
illiterate people people holding multiple jobs
Answer :

127)Which of the following is not a proverty removal program
Answer :

128)The Minimum Needs Program was initiated during the
First Plan Second Plan
Third Plan Fourth Plan
Answer :

129)Adult education was added to the Minimum Need Program during
Fourth Plan Fifth Plan
Sixth Plan Seventh Plan
Answer :

130)The price rise in Indian econony is a continuous phenomenon since
First Plan Second Plan
Third Plan Fourth Plan
Answer :

131)The general price level declined during the
First Plan Second Plan
Third Plan Fourth Plan
Answer :

132)The period 1956 to 1973 saw
gradual price rise rapid price rise
no price rise None of these
Answer :

133)During which year crude oil price increased by 400%
1970 1973
1978 1980
Answer :

134)When did India suffer from first oil shock
1963 1965
1973 1975
Answer :

135)During the severe drought year of 1987-88, the inflation rate was about
10% 11%
12% 13%
Answer :

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