

136)What for RTGS stands?
Regular Time Global System Real Time Gross Settlement
Real Time Global Settlement Real Time Gross System
Answer :

137)Inflationery presure builds up due to
i) Fiscal imbalances
(ii) Supply and demand imbalances in sensetive commodities
iii) Persistent presure on balance od payments.
(i) only (iii) Only
(i) and (ii) only All of them
Answer :

138)Inflation is caused by
increase in money supply increase in production
Decrease in production Both (a) and (c)
Answer :

139)Which of the following is not a cause of inflation?
deficit financing rapid population growth
increase non-development expenditure of the government increase expenditure on fertilisers
Answer :

140)Which of the following is not cause of inflation ?
slow growth in agricultural output slow growth in industrial uotput
slow growth in population rapid growth incostly imports
Answer :

141)Which of the following is not a cure of inflation?
better capacity utilization lowering of budget deficit
lowering bank rate public distribution system
Answer :

142)The extend of deficit financing during the First Plan has been estimated at (Rs Crore)
333 444
555 666
Answer :

143)The extend of deficit financing during the Second Plan has been estimated at (Rs Crore)
554 754
954 1154
Answer :

144)The extend of deficit financing during the Third Plan has been estimated at (Rs Crore)
733 933
1133 1333
Answer :

145)The extend of deficit financing during the Fourth Plan has been estimated at (Rs Crore)
1000 2000
3000 4000
Answer :

146)The extend of deficit financing during the Fifth Plan has been estimated at (Rs Crore)
2560 3560
4560 5560
Answer :

147)The extend of deficit financing during the Sixth Plan has been estimated at (Rs Crore)
12684 13684
14684 15684
Answer :

148)Which of the following is not a feature of Indian agriculture?
inequalities of land distribution inadequate credit facilities
majority of big farmers low level of productivity
Answer :

149)Which of the following is not a cause of low productivity in Indian agriculture ?
mechanization inadequate inputs availablity
sub divisions and fragmentation of land holdings poor finance and marketing facilities
Answer :

150)Land reforms provide
finance for improving fertility of land holdings incentives and encouragement to land owners
incentives and encouragement to actual tillers finance for setting-up water pumps
Answer :

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