
Computer Science

226)What is the length of the temporary register of 8085 microprocessor?
32 bits 16 bits
12 bits 8 bits
Answer :

227)What is the length of data buffer register of 8085 microprocessor?
8 bits 16 bits
32 bits 12 bits
Answer :

228)How many flags are there in 8085 microprocessor?
4 5
6 8
Answer :

229)How many interrupts are there in 8085 microprocessor?
5 8
6 10
Answer :

230)What is the memory addressing capability of of 8085 microprocessor?
16 KB 32 KB
64 KB 256 KB
Answer :

231)How many I/O ports can be accessed by direct method in 8085 microprocessor
8 128
256 64
Answer :

232)How many I/O ports can be accessed by memory mapped method in of 8085 microprocessor?
8K 32K
256K 64K
Answer :

233)What is the addressing mode used in instruction MOVE M, C ?
Direct Indirect
Induced Immediate
Answer :

234)How many and what are the machine cycles needed foe execution of PUSH B?
2, 1 Fetch and 1 Memory write 3, 1 Fetch and 2 Memory write
3, 1 Fetch , 1 Memory read and 1 Memory write 3, 1 Fetch and 2 Memory read
Answer :

235)How many and what are the machine cycles needed for execution of MOV D, C?
1, Fetch 2, 1 Fetch and 1 Memory read
2, 1 Fetch and 1 Memory write none of these
Answer :

236)Which of the following register pairs can be directly stored in memory?
Answer :

237)What addressing mode is used in the instruction LDA 0345H ?
Direct Indirect
Induced Immediate
Answer :

238)How many and what are the machine cycles needed for execution of XTHL ?
1, Fetch 3, 1 Fetch, 1 Memory read and 1 Memory write
4, 1 Fetch, 2 Memory read and 1 Memory write 5, 1 Fetch, 2 Memory read and 2 Memory write
Answer :

239)What addressing mode is used in the instruction LXI B 0345H?
Direct Indirect
Induced Immediate.
Answer :

240)How many modes of operation are there in 8255 APPI?
1 2
3 4
Answer :

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